13 Mart 2015 Cuma

DNA Denaturation, Annealing and Replication

DNA Denaturation, Annealing and Replication

On the last page, you saw the general structure of DNA, learning what nucleotides look like, how they are formed into single- and double-stranded chains, and how the nucleotides form weak bonds that help hold two chains together.Now we'll learn why it is that the double-strandedness of DNA is so important.

Introduction to DNA 2

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Introduction to DNA

This web page is intended as a brief introduction to DNA for High School-level students. We will see what it is, how it works, and we will learn how DNA is studied. It is assumed that the student has taken some basic high-school level chemistry.

Introduction to DNA

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DNA giriş

Bu web sayfası Lise düzeyinde öğrenciler için DNA kısa bir giriş olarak tasarlanmıştır. Biz nasıl çalıştığını, ne olduğunu göreceksiniz, ve DNA okudu nasıl öğreneceksiniz. Öğrencinin bazı temel lise düzeyinde kimya aldığını kabul edilir.

How do we Sequence DNA?

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How do we Sequence DNA?

DNA Sequencing is at the center of the Human Genome Project, which promises to revolutionize
the Biomedical Sciences and the treatment of human diseases. This page is designed to help you
understand how DNA is sequenced.

If you are looking for information on our DNA sequencing service facility, our home page is here:
The University of Michigan DNA Sequencing Core

First you need to know a few key terms: